Figure 1 shows a framework of this research. A sender Alice sends her authentic media such as video or audio to a receiver Bob through physical and cyber channels. At this time, a malicious sender Eve stealthily acquires privacy, biological, and environmental information of Alice, to make fake information. Based on the fake information, she generates Alice's media clones and sends them to Bob to deceive him.

To realize a communication system for defending the receivers attacked by the media clones, we pursue the following five topics. [PDF]

(A) Development of methods for protecting the privacy,
      biological, and environmental information to prevent fake information generation.
(B) Verification of the capability of generating various types of media clones such as audio, visual, text, and social media
      derived from the fake information.
(C) Realization of a protection shield for media clones’ attacks by recognizing them. We focus on analysis of liveness
      resulting from biological living features.
(D) Modeling of the proposed communication system.
(E) Experimental evaluation for a total system and its components. We build and open to the public a benchmark
      database of both authentic media and media clones.

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